So, I have been thinking of blogging for about a year now.
I started mingling with Hugo last year when I started my job. I chose it because it's easy to configure, adding articles as markdown is super easy and the fact that it's static make it easy to host. I'm not 100% close to moving to another tool but for the moment, it will do.
I had some credit at Digital Ocean from a Humble Bumble so I decided to use it to host the blog. I wanted to host it on my Raspberry Pi, but as I'm really not an expert when it comes to DNS or server_name, I chose the easy solution.
I spent few hours configuring Nginx to go with the DNS registration, and now it should work fine.
The only thing left is to add more content. I had written some stub of articles when I felt like it, let's hope I get the time to polish them. One blocker I need to work on is publishing code on Github. Most of the time, I start a new project, create the repo and make the first commits but I don't want to push, because the tests are not perfect, because there are too many todos, because this part is not 100% done yet.
Well, that should be all for today. Let's publish that to check that everything work fine.